Camping Cèilidh
I have attended the annual Camping Cèilidh at Deception Pass State Park in Washington State the past couple years. This year I was invited to organize a crossroads dance in the evenings.
The Camping Cèilidh marks the ancient celebration of Lughnasadh by presenting Scottish and Irish traditional music, traditional singing in English and Scottish Gaelic, and Scottish Gaelic language workshops.
The event brings together a lovely, welcoming community for a casual weekend. Notably, people enjoy sessions, hikes, potlucks, naps, swimming, and campfires throughout the weekend.
After meeting with the organizers to learn about their vision, I decided to teach a collection of two-hand dances from Donegal and Northern Ireland. These dances are almost all related to Scottish cèilidh dances—a great match for the Irish/Scottish crossover theme of the event. Simple social dances like two-hand dances can maximize fun and minimize teaching time, making them perfect for a casual gathering of musicians, singers, and language enthusiasts.
Many of the participants were beginner dancers, and it warmed my heart to see people who were enthusiastic about trying something new. It was especially moving to see new dancers coming together to smile, laugh, and build community through dance.